This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
24- hour hotline serving survivors of sexual assault,
family violence and other violent crimes
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
Confidential Services
24-Hour Assistance
Emergency Shelter
Confidential Services
24-Hour Emergency Hotline
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
"She increased my knowledge and made me feel safer"
-anonymous 8th grade student
Prevention Education Feedback
"The speaker made the conversation less awkward and I'm very grateful for that"
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
Hi. Do you need any help?
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Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm
Sat -Sun Closed
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
Main: (254)-965-5516
24-Hour Emergency Hotline serving survivors of sexual assault,
family violence and other violent crimes: (866) 934-4357
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
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